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Career Choices

This week we are going to talk career choices. I speak to a number of people who want to change career but don’t know what they want to do or how to go about making the change. This is extremely common.

Some people fall into a career they love; almost as though their path was carved out before they even knew it.

Some people need a little extra help. Here are some tips that may help you if you are looking for something new but just don’t know what you are looking for or how to go about it. Ask yourself the following questions and write down your answers:

  • What skills do you use in your current job or in your day to day life that you love? I don’t just mean skills you are good at, I mean skills that you really enjoy, that give you a buzz that you value. This may be a hobby (interests) or something you do on a voluntary basis. Do you bake cakes for people because you love watching people enjoy food? Do you enjoy taking pictures or videos? Do you enjoy helping people?

  • What do you want to achieve out of life? Do you have a goal? If you don’t then think about writing one down. We have free articles that will help you think about and develop your goal (s). Writing your goal down and sharing it with others helps solidify the goal; it makes the goal real.

  • What do you want to accomplish out of your career? Do you want to make lots of money or help people or fulfil a desire? These tie in with your values, beliefs and motivations.

  • What did you like doing when you were young; before you maybe became jaded with life (mortgage, kids, car loan, bills etc). Think about whether these things interest you now. Do they tie in with your overall goal in life?

  • Go out and get some feedback. Now you have a few pointers tell people and ask them for their opinion or advice (if you value their opinion and advice). Remember there is only feedback; there is no failure!

  • Network! Find out if there are local groups in your area and join them. Read books on the subject and study the internet. There is a wealth of information at your fingertips for free, make sure you use it.

  • Think of ways you can apply your talents to make money. Brainstorm 10-20 ways you can apply your talents. Think outside the box and look out for opportunities.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. You may want to look for a mentor, or just someone you trust who will offer you honest advice.

  • Believe in yourself and in your abilities. It is important that you portray confidence to the outside world but more important that you believe in yourself. We have a freebie – ring of confidence – that will help you here.

  • Take action! Where I do believe in the law of attraction and believe that we are what we think there also needs to be action; nothing will happen if we just think about it or make excuses as to why it might not happen.

You now need to think about how you go about achieving your dream job; plan it out. There are a number of free resources on our site that will also help.

I can tell you from experience that being in the right place/having the dream job makes such a huge difference to your life.

Remember, it’s not a race, good things take time, effort and planning. You can do and be what you want to be if you just believe!

With Love xxxx

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