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Jo Jones

Waking Thoughts

What are your first waking thoughts? Do you dread getting out of bed? Are your first thoughts negative? Are you thinking of yesterdays problems or the problems that lie ahead?

Rather than wake up feeling negative and not wanting to get out of bed, why not try these positive affirmations before you jump out of bed. Better still, try them and add to them.

  1. Don’t think about yesterdays mistakes – forgive yourself for any mistakes you made yesterday; make sure you learn from any mistakes. Yesterday is now in the past so think about the NOW.

  2. Be grateful – say a silent thank you for everything you have. This does not just mean saying a thank you for material wealth; it is also about saying thank you for health, a smile, your family, your friends, a warm bed or a meal. You can say thank you for the breath you breathe, the shining sun or the rain watering our plants. It can be anything you like it to be, as long as the conscious intent is there.

  3. Think about today – think about how you can make today a perfect day. Think about your intentions for the day.

  4. As with our breathing mediation, you should take 10 deep before you jump out of bed. You will find a few FREE resources on to help with the correct breathing technique.

  5. When you do jump out of bed make sure its with a HUGE smile. It will set you up for the rest of the day.

If you can fit a 10 minute (or 5 minute) meditation in then it will set you up for an even better day.

Have a happy and healthy day. With Love xxxx

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